
Monday, May 31, 2010


All of Aboriginals ceremonies take place in a circle. The circle reflects 2 things, the pathway of the sun and the movement of the so called 'All Power'. In a circle there is a powerful life-force that is with them. The drum is at the centre that makes a sound that moves in the circle and touches everyone there and beyond. The singers make the second circle as their voice moves in a circular a motion. The dancers dance in the third circle following the pathway of the sun. The prayer people, the ones who bring offerings of tobacco, are the fourth circle. The druming, the singing, and the dancers are for the people that pray in this fourth circle. The circle beyond the ceremony includes the people that are being prayed for, that the drum and the song reaches them and brings them strength and healing. The ancestors or spirits that here there prayers are the sixth circle. As we pray they take our prayers on to the Creator.

The Feast:
The purpose of the feast ceremony is to honour thier ancestors. They gather in a circle to take up the pipe and give prayer. They offer tobacco and food to give.

The Naming Ceremony:
The first name of the infant is called "Infant Name", this might change when they become a young adult. The name they are given is there spirit name and when addressing the spirit world. Certain members of the community have the 'gift of naming'. They may dream of the name or have vision before this person is even born. These names come from the ancestors and are given to the child who is the gifted by the spirit of that name. When a child becomes a young man or young women, they are given a second name, the name becomes their spirit name forever in time. The new name will soon replace thier Infant Name. This is the name that is used in prayer and ceremony and is recognized by your spirit during the prayers and ceremonys.

The Fast:
The fast is an individual ceremony to pray for harmony with all relations and to strengthen spiritual connectedness. An Elder guides people in their fast through ceremony. Fasting goes on without food and water for 4 days.